An Easy 3-Step Process — How To Relax While Working From Home
Are you able to relax while working from home? Maybe/Maybe not. Whatever the case may be, the new work-from-home trend is more popular than ever. An overwhelming 97% of Americans are opting to continue working from a distance after the pandemic shutdown. It is also becoming a determining factor as job seekers evaluate job offers and choose their place of work.
On the flip side, most of us are prone to working all the time and unable to relax while working from home. But it does not have to be that way. Here are some ways that you can relax even though you work from home. Following these tips also help your body to be more resilient to life’s ups and downs.
How to Relax While Working From Home
STEP 1: It starts with knowing and recognizing when you are exhausted. The way you react to people and your environment proves this.
Some behavioral signs of work burnout include:
- Withdrawing from friends and family
- Withdrawing from obligations
- An attitude change involving spontaneous outbursts, irritability, and negativity
- Sitting in traffic cursing
- Overuse of alcohol, tobacco, food, and drugs
Some physical and emotional health symptoms are:
- Headaches
- stomachaches
- Body aches
- Anxiety/panic attacks and unhappiness/depression.
- Allergic reactions, including eczema and asthma
STEP 2: Re-examine your priorities and take a moment to make time for YOU!
Set limits. Do not overstretch yourself. Say “no” to requests that are not a priority. If this is difficult, remind yourself that saying “no” allows you to say “yes” to the requests that you want to do.
Outsource if you can afford it. That means hiring some help for household chores, gardening, repairs, or day-to-day tasks. That could be either regularly or simply from time to time when you need extra hands.
Then, set aside time for relaxation.
Try Any of These 3 health boosting Ways to Relax While Working From Home
(i) Watch Funny Videos
Funny videos make us laugh. And laughing is a stress relief that works. While short-term, this prompts a healthy exchange of oxygen in your heart, lungs, and muscles. In addition, hormones that make us feel good such as endorphins, are released when we laugh. Research has even linked laughter to an improvement in immune function because laughter can aid the production of antibodies and activate protective T cells of the body.
That SNL sketch perfectly describes an interesting way of relaxing. What about you? How do you unwind after a super stressful day while working from home?
(ii) Get a professional massage
A massage is one of the most relaxing and calming experiences that you can feel. A good massage is a great way to relax while working at home. However, a therapeutic massage goes beyond relaxation. According to research, therapeutic massage by a professional is a safe, effective, and cost-effective intervention in conditions like Blood pressure (BP). Other benefits of a massage include:
- Allows for more relaxation
- Relieves muscle and joint pain
- Relieves stress
- Lowers anxiety
- Relieves muscle tightness
- Improves sleep quality
- Makes your lower back stronger
- Helps to reduce depression
- Improves bloodflow and circulation
- Provides relief from sports injuries
(iii) Show Self-Love by Giving Yourself Give Yourself a Facial or mani-pedi
Manicures, pedicures, and facial treatments are great ways to relax while working at home. It makes your hands, feet, and face feel and look better. Soaking your hands and feet in warm water and receiving a stimulating massage promotes blood circulation. Gentle exfoliation with a scrub also increases blood circulation, giving your skin a healthy and youthful appearance. These keep the hands, feet, and face smooth and soft. And you feel great, too.
PS: I hope the post will inspire you to relax while working from home. If you enjoyed reading this post or learned something from it, please remember to leave me a comment, share it, or both! Also, you can become part of our growing community at the Public Health EDIT by subscribing. You can also connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Originally published by Ify Albert at on July 19, 2021.